位置:首页 > 制造商:Intel > 家族:Pentium > 产品:Intel Pentium 60 - A80501-60 > Intel Pentium 66 - A80501-66 > 详细资料
Intel Pentium 66 - A80501-66基本资料
类别:CPU 制造商:Intel
家族:Pentium 产品:Intel Pentium 60 - A80501-60
类型 CPU / Microprocessor
细分市场 Desktop
Intel Pentium
CPU 编号
  • A80501-66 is an OEM/tray microprocessor
频率    66 MHz
总线速度    66 MHz
时钟倍频器    1
封装 273-pin ceramic Pin Grid Array
2.16" x 2.16" (5.49 cm x 5.49 cm)
接口 接口 4
发布时间 22-Mar-93
ICOMP index 567
Upgrade options Pentium overdrive 133
部件号 Q0353 Q0395 Q0413 Q0467 Q0626 Q0627
A80501-66 + + + + + +
部件号 SX754 SX828 SX836 SX837 SX949 SX950 SZ950
A80501-66 + + + + + + +
架构 / 微体系结构
微体系结构 P5
处理器内核    P5
核心步进    B1" (Q0413, SX754)
B1' (Q0353, Q0395)
C1 (Q0467, SX837, SZ950)
D1 (Q0626, Q0627, SX949, SX950)
CPUIDs 513 (Q0353, Q0395, Q0413, SX754)
515 (Q0467, SX837, SZ950)
517 (Q0626, Q0627, SX949, SX950)
制造工艺 0.8 micron BiCMOS process, 3.1 million transistors
数据位宽 32 bit
Data bus width 64 bit
浮点单元 Integrated
1级缓存大小    8 KB 2-way set associative code cache
8 KB 2-way set associative write-back data cache
Physical memory 4 GB
多重处理 Up to 2 processors
  • System Management Mode
  • SL power-management features
On-chip peripherals
  • Memory Management Unit
  • Local Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
V核    5.15V ± 5%
最小/最大工作温度    0°C - 70°C
Typical/Maximum power dissipation 13 Watt / 17.28 Watt
热设计功耗    16 Watt
Notes on Intel Pentium 66 MHz
  • Minimum bus frequency is 33 MHz
  • Different S-Spec 号码 have different maximum operating temperature. Please follow S-spec links for more accurate information
  • There were versions of Pentium 66 processor with different voltage ranges. Please consult S-Spec page to determine exact voltage range for your CPU.
Intel Pentium 66 - A80501-66图片资料
Intel Pentium 66 - A80501-66
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