位置:首页 > 制造商:Cyrix > 家族:6x86 > 产品:ST ST6x86P166+ / ST6x86P166+HS > ST ST6x86P133+ / ST6x86P133+HS > 详细资料
ST ST6x86P133+ / ST6x86P133+HS基本资料
类别:CPU 制造商:Cyrix
家族:6x86 产品:ST ST6x86P166+ / ST6x86P166+HS
类型 CPU / Microprocessor
系列 ST 6x86
  • ST6x86P133+ is a 编号 marked on the chip
  • ST6x86P133+HS is an order number
频率    110 MHz (rated 133)
总线速度    55 MHz
时钟倍频器    2
封装 296-pin Staggered Ceramic Pin Grid Array with heat spreader
接口 SPGA296
尺寸 1.95" x 1.95" / 4.96cm x 4.96cm
架构 / 微体系结构
数据位宽 32 bit
Data bus width 64 bit
浮点单元 Integrated
1级缓存大小    256 bytes fully associative primary code cache
16 KB 4-way set associative unified data/code write-back cache
Physical memory 4 GB
Pipeline 7 stages
  • Suspend mode
  • Stop clock mode
Min/Recommended/Max V核 3.15V / 3.52V / 3.7V
最小/最大工作温度    0°C - 70°C
Minimum/Typical/Maximum power dissipation 0.29 Watt (Suspend mode) / 16.9 Watt / 21.46 Watt
Notes on ST ST6x86P133+
  • Compatible with socket P54C processors
其它cpu Part Number