qkz1 (intel mobile pentium iii-m 850 mhz)/RJ80530LY850512

qkz1 (intel mobile pentium iii-m 850 mhz)/RJ80530LY850512 详细信息

类型CPU / Microprocessor
系列Intel Mobile Pentium III-M
频率 (MHz) 850
频率 in LFM mode (MHz)500
总线速度 (MHz) 100
时钟倍频器 8.5
封装 type479-ball micro FC-BGA
接口 typeBGA479
架构 / 微体系结构 / Other
Core steppingFBB1
Previous steppingSL63A
Next production steppingSL6AN
处理器内核 Tualatin
Manufacturing technology (micron)0.13
Number of cores1
L2 cache size (KB) 512
Case temperature (°C) 100
Notes on sSpec QKZ1
  • Qualification sample.
  • Low voltage processor.
  • The samples are available starting from May 20, 2002

qkz1 (intel mobile pentium iii-m 850 mhz)/RJ80530LY850512 Other S-Spec number